29 weeks

How far along?
29 Weeks - 7 months - 3rd trimester

How big is baby?
Baby Q is about the size of a butternut squash

Current weight?

It is nearly impossible to turn over or get out of bed.

Baby movement?
A LOT – Very active baby!

How I’m feeling?
Tired - I wake up tired and am tired throughout the whole day. Super emotional

How I’m changing?
Swollen nose, legs & tummy is getting bigger day by day. Blood test showed that I am anemic, so I am now taking iron supplements.

Sleep comfortably.. Haha 

Food intake?
After having a horrible first 4 months, it seem like I'm catching up and eating like there's no tomorrow. I always has a good appetite but pregnancy just multiplied it.

Sugar cravings - chocolates, biscuits, drinks, etc.

Anything that truly annoys you?
Tired of people telling me “You don’t look 7 months pregnant. You have a small belly bla bla” Dengan ketinggian 5’5 & fizikal yang kurus sebelum ni, mungkin sedikit sebanyak berkaitan dengan size perut. Sejujurnya saya tak kisah size perut asalkan baby berada dalam keadaan sihat. Please keep your comments to yourself! :)

I've noticed that since I've become pregnant, my husband suddenly become the sweetest, most loving and patient guy I know.

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